- General information on accredited entities is available at
- General information about the accreditation process is available at
- Guide for engaging Entities with Direct Access with GCF, which provides detailed information on accreditation is available at:
- Detailed information on the requirements to be met in the accreditation process can be found in the Checklists used by the Green Climate Fund to evaluate accreditation applications. These lists provide details on all the conditions you need to meet to be accredited. Specific for lending are sections 5.3 (STAGE II - ACCREDITATION REVIEW CHECK LIST - p. 83-97, question 5.3. and STAGE I - INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT AND COMPLETENESS CHECK LIST- p. 31-35, question 5.3)
- Regarding the manner and conditions of using funds from the GCF, the general conditions for each accredited entity can be seen in the Master Agreement that the Green Climate Fund signs with each accredited entity. The obligations that each accredited entity has are defined in this Agreement. Available at:
www.greenclimate.fund/document/accreditation-master-agreement. Specific conditions for using the funds are defined at the project / program level.
- Whether only through one entity / institution the funds from the Fund will be distributed or more institutions can receive accreditation - the number of entities that can apply and be accredited is not limited. Any legal entity can start the accreditation process with a previously received letter of no-objection from the NDA (Cabinet of the Deputy President of the Government of North Macedonia in charge of Economic Affairs). As for the ongoing readiness project implemented by FAO, FAO and the NDA will select one entity and will support this entity in the preparation for the GCF accreditation process. This does not limit all others interested in starting an accreditation process.